Sunday, June 29, 2014

Commission Day

Jim Levernier, Shari & Forrest Gross, and myself are headed to Ghana tomorrow (June 30th) and Tuesday (July 1st).

We have a pretty hefty agenda this time, we are planning to do a "renewal" at Nsaba (will report more about Nsaba in the next few days, visit several sites where there are Living Water systems installed, plan on visiting several potential new sites, and attend the PCUSA Ghana Mission Network meeting in Ho which starts July 8th.

Shari & Forrest are somewhat new to Idlewild's clean water group and bring a lot of energy and leadership to our group.  Shari will be helping lead the training sessions at Nsaba and Forrest has a background in water technology.

Today we were all "commissioned" as part of Idlewild's 11:00 service.

Got lots to do tonight and tomorrow before I leave Memphis on Tuesday.

Looking forward to the next 10 days and I will keep all the readers of this blog up to date as to what we are doing and seeing each day.