Saturday, July 12, 2014

Friday - Research Day

Daniel Opong-Wereko picked me up at the airport and we traveled around Accra to the plant that makes the 5 gallon water bottles for the LWW sites.

We visited this plant last year and were hopeful that the owner of the company would be able to find a smaller bottle with a handle.  Not so far.

This year I brought him a picture of a 2.5 gallon bottle with a handle that I saw in a Lowes store in Memphis.  Showed it to the owner and we may be a bit more encouraged that he will reach out to his Chinese supplier to see if there is a blow mold for this smaller bottle.  We'll see.

We then headed to PCG HQ in the old part of Accra for a few hours.  Daniel is the acting Moderator this weekend as the Moderator and Clerk of the PCG are both traveling and therefore Daniel needed to be around the office most of the afternoon.

We did walk a few blocks from PCG HQ to a shop that sells generators, pumps, etc. and Reverse Osmosis Systems (ROS).  ROS are used in situations where the water from a bore hole has too much salt.  The ROS removes enough salt from the bore hole water to where the water can then be fed into a LWW system.  Michael, the LWW tech here in Ghana, had told us that ROS were being sold in Accra and we wanted to see one.  So we did.

Got back to GillBT house early evening - had dinner and then watched a movie on my iPad!

Jim should be on the way back from Ho tomorrow (Saturday).

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