Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Need

Dan is responsible for social services in the Tamale area for the PCG.  Water is a big part of what Dan does.  Specifically helping the local people capture rain water and store it in tanks, i.e. a poly tank or tanks that Dan's group help build.

This afternoon we went to KamPon D/A Briamary school about 10 miles outside of Tamale.  Dan's team just recently built a second storage tank at the school.  The tanks serve the kids in the school and the small community around the school.

The tanks are made of concrete block with mortar between the block and with sand and rebar in the block middle to form a wall.  The tanks are plastered inside and out and a concrete roof decked on top.  Dan's group likes the concrete tanks because they are less expensive than the poly tanks, can hold more water, and keep the water cool in the hot sun.

Tough part - these tanks can only hold enough water for 4-5 months!  

The larger tank (30,000 liters) costs about $4,000 to build including roof gutters and piping.

This was a tough visit for me - pics:

This group of kids came running from the village in the background to the school when we got out of Dan's truck.

Pipe from roof to cistern

Bathrooms for students and staff

New bathrooms that have been built by the PCG

Big brother taking care of little brother

Look in the background and you will see the thatched roofs of the mud wall houses of the village

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