Thursday, July 3, 2014

The past just may not predict the future...

Upstairs porch at the residence hall.

As you know by now, Nsaba has been struggling to keep thier system operational.  A little bit of the problem is related to technology, but most of the problems center around commitment and management.

First the technology.  Michael & Forrest installed a trash filter between cistern and the pump that pulls water from the cistern and puts it into the raw water tank.  This filter will prevent things like leaves or feathers from getting into the pump and burning it up.  This was a 30 minute "fix".

MIchael and Forrest are spending the rest of the day cleaning the system thoroughly while training additional operators from the church and the school.

The other challenges at Nsaba aren't 30 minute fixes - they are more ornizational, commitment, and planning oriented.  JIm & I met with the Director of the Training Center (where the system is lcoated), the District MInister for Nsaba, and the Headmaster of the school this morning.  It appears that all 3 institutions want to embrace the LWW system at the training center, but were somewhat cloudy as to how to move forward.

We spent quite a bit of time helping them understand the importance of forming and using a Water Committee (WC) and how the WC can play a leadership role in how the water is used, how the ongoing costs can be managed, and so forth.  The discussion went very well and on the surface the three institutions appear to be committed and eager to work together.  A WC provides oversight, sets policies, steers direction, etc. for the use and maintenance of a LWW system.  Where there are strong WCs - there are successful and sustainable LWW systems.

This is a much better situation at Nsaba than what Jiim & I left last year - however the further success at Nsaba clearly relies on the success of the WC.  Hope and pray the WC comes together and enjoys success.

Not to be lost in the above is Shari's work to train more people on the health and hygiene uses and benefits of the LWW system at Nsaba.  Shari had 3-4 people from the church and training center that partcipated in the training.  These 3-4 people will become trainers and evangelists on the benfits of clean water.

I am sitting on the porch outside of my room right now updated this blog - lots of comparisons to Hemmingway right now - unfortunately for me the comparisons are more around body girth, facial hair, & perspitation - not literary prowness.

Cloudy morning at the entrance to the training center.

Rooster is still alive & well here at Nsaba!

Clean water tank and filling station.

Cistern (concrete top) & raw water tank.

Right over those trees and a little bit beyond those clouds if Memphis!

Jim, Shari, Forrest, & Michael having breakfast.

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