Friday, July 4, 2014

The Bell

Packing up this a.m. to leave Nsaba and go visit Dora at BOPA in Nsawam.  Some of you may remember that BOPA (meanng "the rock") was started by Dora many years ago and their mission is to take in at risk girls into a boarding school structure and to teach each girl a trade in addition to teaching them some academics and most of all keeping them safe.  Idlewild put a LWW system in BOPA some years ago.

Last 2 mornings at 4:30 the curch bell has rung for 5-10 minutes.  Since 2 days in a row form a pattern, we asked the purpose of the bell.  The bell is the same bell that rings in many small towns across the USA and it signifies the start of the church service.  So, for all those that think 8:30, 7:00, or even 11:00 are "early" morning services - well at least Ebenezer Presbyterian Church in Nsaba sets the pace with a daily 5:00 a.m. service!

The picture below is some of the boys from the school here in Nsaba lining up for breakfast.  The school has 1,600 students - most of them boarding students - and they are fed 3 times a day in the training center's hall.

We are leaving Nsaba - hopeful again - that the training center, Ebenezer Church, and the school will come together and manage the LWW system here in Nsaba.  We are seeing and hearing new things about their desire to manage then system - RSK has agreed to chair the water committee, Rev Earnest  the Presby District Manager has agreed to be the "treasuere", Ebenezer (a senior personn at the school) ahs agreed to be the secretary and so on.  This is new and good news.  However, the benefits of the LWW system are all about commitment and it's this commitment, along with cooperation between all 3 institutions, that has been lacking in the past.  So some hope, prayer, and determination is what Nsaba needs at this point.

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