Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saturday Part 2

We left Kibi and headed to Kwahu Praso clinic.  We stopped for lunch at Linda Dor (think Stuckey's int he middle of nowhere)

We ran into a girl from Scotland that was staying int he same bungalow with Jim and Forrest & Shari at the Gillbt House in Accra.  She is a teacher in Scotland, off for the summer, and is on her way to an orphange in the north to spend a month.

I my self ran into a bowl of fish soup that at the beginng was "staring me down"!

Before anyone gets too worked up about the fish soup - hold on - it's tilapia (steamed) resting in a bowl of tomato broth heavily weighted with cayenne.  The fish was not the test - it was the cayenne, however I won - it was dilicious!

Off to Krahu Praso.

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