Wednesday, July 9, 2014

KuKuo Presbyterian Church and School

KuKuo was not on the list of stops today in Tamale, but Dan Kobila took me by there none the less.  

Our first stop on our visits was the Presby Training Center in Tamale where LWW has a system courtesy of Advent Presbyterian.  There were two groups at the training center while we were there - a group of students that looked like they were being proxyed for an exam and the other group was a group of ministers working with a group of Presbyterians from South Africa around how to practice/execute evangelism in the small villages.  The LWW system serves groups like these as they come into the training center. 

The water team gave me a tour of the water facilities at the training center and it is very clean and impressive.  Here are some pics:

LWW System

Entrance to the cistern

Room built for the bottle filling station

Bottle filling station



Fish being fried

Lady in charge of frying the fish

Cabbage to go with the fish

Lady in charge of the cabbage

Now to KuKuo Church and School

This is not being considered as a LWW site, but I told Dan he should fill out a survey none the less.  The church has about 500 members and sits in a populated neighborhood in Tamale.

The Jr School (ages 11-15) has about 600 students.  The only access the Jr School has to water is rain water harvesting.

The Sr School (ages 16-20) sits across the road and has access to Ghana Water Company water - which runs every other day or soemthing to that effect.

The thought would be to bring all three together and have one LWW system that would fill 5 gallon bottles with those bottles being placed in/around each school with a hand pump installed on each bottle so that students could draw from the bottle via the hand pump to fill their cups.

We will see, but the need is ceratinly there.

Ghana Water Company stand pipe at the church

Church is putting in new restrooms

Front of church

Jr school

Jr school - see all the bikes

From 2nd floor of Sr school - Sr students ride bikes too

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