Sunday, July 6, 2014


I have gotten a couple of questions about my music playlist for the trip.

The core of the music play has been from my my C&W playlist which has a lot of: The Highwaymen, George Strait, Willie Nelson, David Allen Coe, and Merl Haggard.  Anyone staying around my room at the Gillbt Guest House has been soaking up a bunch of country and western.

I dribbled in some Mavericks this a.m. while getting ready before church.

Landing in Accra, whenever that was last week, had to have Welcome to the Jungle by Gun's & Roses spewing from the ear buds.

Had no where to stick this picture of a termite mound, so I thought this post would be a good place

Honestly - no one asked me about my playlist - this is only a test post to see if David and Stephen are reading the blog!

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