Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Unity Presbyterian Church

I came toTamale this trip because Dan Kolbila and team felt like the school and church at Unity in Tamale could use a system.  Dan worked and filled out a pre-survey for this site and sent it via the PCG to Jim & myself.

There is a lot going on at Unity.  There is some construction to kind of clean up and organize the common areas with pavers, some painting, etc. and there are just a lot of kids there!

The school has about 800 kids up to the mid-teens in age.  The classes are large and right now the access for students to water to drink is with all the students using the same cup and dipping into a plastic bucket.  These buckets are stationed outside the door of each classroom.  The buckets are filled each day at the Ghana Water Company hose spicket (see picture below) and carried to the door of each classroom.

There is a room that can be used for the water room and the site uses Ghana Water Company as the source.

Dan has identitied the water committee for this site and the district minister is on board with the site needing a LWW system.

Platform already in place to hold the clean water tank

Hose spicket for Ghana Water Company water

Building where water room may be housed

Class room full of students

Had to take 2 pictures to get everybody

Blue bucket is for drinking water (share the cup) - Black bowl is for washing hands

Green drinking water bucket

Blue drinnking water bucket

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